Sunday, September 11, 2011

Blog 2: Interview 1 Preperation

1. Who are you interviewing and why?

I  plan on interviewing Ashlee Enriquez, the current president of the Forensic Science Academy. Ashlee has recently graduated from the FSA with the class #26 who is meeting the required skills necessary to work in the forensic field. Emphasizing on criminal investigation law in the university, Ashlee continues to share her knowledge of forensic anthropology with me. Since Ashlee is the president, she will be able to provide me the necessary guidance and will be able to connect with me instructors, guest speakers, as well as workshop opportunities that I will be able to use for my senior project.

2. What additional questions will you ask them (in addition to the 5 we require).

The additional question that I will ask Ashlee include:

  1. What interested you the most in the field of anthropology?
  2. What was the most interesting thing you have come across in your field?
  3. How high is the demand for practicing anthropologists?
  4. What is the most difficult part of this career path?

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