Sunday, February 12, 2012

Blog 16: Independent Component 2 Approval

1. Write a description of what you plan on doing for your independent study component.

For my independent study component I plan on completing the Advances in Forensic Anthropology Technology Transition Workshop, in which I will have acquired the knowledge to: Summarize the forensic anthropological perspective on human variation, be able to discuss the determination of biological sex, have the fundamental values in order to explain the fundamentals of traditional craniometrics and geometric morphometrics, apply segmentation methods for CT images and tissue and bone measurements to use the facial reproduction empirical modeling software tool, explain genetic variation in the context of forensics, emphasizing ancestry informative DNA markers, apply likelihood methods of cause and time of death vector qualities, estimate ancestry using the programs presented. This multiple day workshop has been strongly enforced by the Forensic Science Academy and has constantly been stressed to know all of the knowledge that the workshop has to offer. To have a look at what I will be doing check out the Forensic Science Academy Club endorced link: NFSTC FA Workshop

2. Describe in detail how you think your plan will meet the 30 hours work requirement.

I know that this workshop will surpass the 30 hours work requirement since the workshop contains several hours worth of audio visuals, interactive professional government-funded programs that present 3-Dimensional images that show how innovative technology is in order to facilitate the Forensic Anthropology input in criminal investigations. Containing over 15 lesson sessions through the forms of presentations, worksheets, software, resources, hands-on materials, 3D-ID Data Entry Template, AVIZO Software, and various structure information it is no doubt that this will surpass the 30 hours requirement.

3. How does your independent study component relate to your EQ?

My independent study component completely relates to my EQ because in this workshop I will have access to professional software and Forensic Anthropology-heavy hands-on activities and work that will give me a new paradigm of how scientific and mathematical this topic is. Based on the NFSTC Forensic Anthropology Workshop, all of the application and literal analysis that I will be able to have a hold of will be able to be well interpreted within my two hour presentation and further research knowledge.

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