Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Blog 17: Fourth Interview Questions

For my fourth interview I plan on interviewing Kristina Killgrove, a biological anthropologists who has expertise in the fields of archaeology, bio-anthropology, and the classical world. Having a doctorate in the field of anthropology will allow me to have a better, more professional aspect towards my senior project.

1. What is the most important factor of a skeletal remain in a criminal investigation?
2. How do you understand the urban development and collapse through the analysis of human remains?
3. What is osteological and biochemical analysis? How do you learn more about the daily lives of individuals by applying these methods?
4. What technology or software facilitates anthropologists when identifying an individual?
5. Why are clear, precise record-keeping skills considered to be important attributes when being tentative to skeletal remain details?
6. How do anthropologists tell apart social and cultural context through skeletal variation?
7. Why are forensic anthropologists so widely used in mass fatality incidents? Can you name examples?
8. How do forensic anthropologists work with other experts in criminal investigations?
9. What are archaeological expertise that a forensic anthropologist utilizes during an investigation?
10. If a significant period of time elapse is between time of burial and time of death, will the remains be damaged?
11. What are the difficulties with aerated grave soil? What can be done to prevent from occurring?
12. How do the rural and suburban areas affect the analytic points of the burial of remains?
13. How can degenerative changes and striations in the bones suggest an elderly individual is the owner?
14. What is the method in order to create a facial reconstruction approximation?
15. What is the importance of photographic superimposition for a forensic anthropologist?
16. How can anthropologists analyze the mechanical forces and disease process in skeletal remains?
17. What are you most proud of as your career as a forensic anthropologist?
18. What method can be used in order to remove soft tissue from the bones without damaging evidence?
19. What kinds of research have you conducted in order to better understand time since death?
20. What happens to the skeletal remains after the criminal investigations come to a conclusion in trials?
21. How much information is initially released to a forensic anthropologists at the beginning of a forensic case?
22. What would you say is the most difficult or intriguing forensic case you have worked on?
23. How does the field of forensic anthropology compare with when you have started and today?
24. Why is the positioning of the remains to necessary to understand or analyse? 
25. How do you differ the trauma presented in the remains are post or ante-mortem to analysize if it was done before or after time of death.
26. How is the time of exposure to the outside environment in which insects and animals may have access to,  affect skeletal remains?

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