Monday, September 26, 2011

Blog 4: Presentation Reflection

1.  In what way did the first interview affect your presentation?  Please explain, be specific and use an example.

My interview with Ashlee Enriquez was very inspiring and informational because she shows a great passion in forensic science. Since I was a relatively young Forensic Science Academy Club member, she was open to help me succeed in any means necessary and by forwarding me useful information on forensic anthropology as well as inspiring me to pursue my career. It's not everyday where you see a high school senior who has career path that has been developed four years ago! During my interview Ms. Enriquez stressed the importance of how my career is both interesting and demanded in the field of criminal justice, and emphasized how signs of bone healing can really help in cases. Her suggestion molded the topic of my five minute presentation especially with her intriguing experiences with a professional forensic anthropologist in the Forensic Science Academy. 

2.  What you say stood out about your presentation performance and why?

I believe that the "plain English" scientific explanation of the reactive, repairing, and remodeling phases in the bone healing stood out about my presentation performance because everyone seemed to be really interested and fascinated about the fact that the bones have the ability to regenerate and heal itself from such horrible accidents. Their reactions of, "Wow! Dang! Ouch!" really brought their attention and made the presentation enjoyable and successful.

3.  What was the most challenging to do and why?

The most challenging part of my presentation was being able to fit all the information on the steps bone heals, the reason it does so, as well as how it connects to my senior presentation in such a short amount of time. Although I  ended up explaining the basic points on the topic, I feel that I freaked out knowing I had less than one minute to wrap my presentation up without having the ability to thoroughly explain how I will be applying my five minute presentation to further my research and guide my way through my senior presentation.

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