Monday, October 10, 2011

Blog 6: Defining the Essential Question

1. What is your EQ?

My essential question is what is the most important factor of a skeletal remain in a criminal investigation?

2. Define the words in your EQ to make sure we are on the same page regarding what your EQ means.
  • Skeletal remain: Bones from the human skeletal system that have been left behind at the time of death
  • Criminal investigation: The collection of information such as evidence in order to be able to scientifically reconstruct a past event for the purpose to punish the bad guys who caused a murder.
3. What are some possible answers to your EQ so far?

Some possible answers to my EQ so far include:
  • Size of the skull to know if it a human (Homo sapien) rather than a Australopithecus, Homo habilis, Homo erectus/egaster, or the Neanderthal skull. 
  • Indication of bone reconstruction in order to know if medical records have the designated  fracture which can be referred to and assist the investigation by matching it with an individual.
  • Positioning of the remains to understand if it was religiously buried by the placement of the arms in an "X" shape fashion and being symmetrically aligned.
  • Entrance and exit wounds caused by bullet to be able to determine to possible cause of death of that individual and know what type of gun and bullet was used for the murder.
  • The angle of wideness of the pelvic bone to determine the age and sex of the individual.
  • The horizontal excavation layer in which the remains were found in order to determine the possible time of death.
4. What has been your most important source and why? Be specific. If it is a person, name them and what they do, if it is an article, book or video, name the title and author.

Mark W. Allen is the most important source that I have. He is the Cal Poly Professor who is teaching Intro to Archaeology/Prehistory and has given me access to a wide array of anthropological ties that greatly connect with my senior project. Dr. Allen has explained the deep and important connection between the detail-extravagant investigation of sites, such as a crime scene, with the success of knowledge in an investigation. This knowledge may include knowing how deep into the soil the artifact, evidence, or skeletal remains were found in order to determine the period of time that item was placed there. Also, the scientific explanation of how people all around differ in culture as well as in skeletal remains. He has given me an important basis in the class that will become extremely useful as my project will progress.

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