(Source: 24 M)
Author: Maples, William R. Ph.D and Michael Browning
Title: Dead Men Do Tell Tales the Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthroplogist
Pages: 207-222
Chapter: The Misplaced Conquistador
Source: New York Doublesday 1994
Page 210
Text Says: When we touch a human artifact from centuries or millennia ago, we seem to behold our brother human beings from across the deeps of time.
My Thoughts: This is clearly the purpose of the field of Anthroplogy: we must preserve our history and do by all means what is humane in order to protect our ancestral background history. The author clearly explains his position on the cultural resource management and how countries should protect their historical features.
Page 212
Text Says: Interrogation by torture has been evident to be practiced in ancient times: Pizzaro has wounds throughout his entire body detailing a battle of swordsmanship as well as adrenaline-prone defense towards the assassin.
My Thoughts: The factual information that can be presented never stops impressing my knowledge towards Forensic Anthropology. The fact that we can use DNA within the bone to be able to say it was a Spanish Conquistador is mind blowing.
Page 217
Text Says: The commission lavished great pains on the desiccated corpse, describing it inside out, inch by inch.
My Thoughts: The career seems to be detailing characteristics of an over achiever in finding out details, strait ions, markings, openings, discolorations, as well as chemical exposure. I feel although this isan elite subunit in the field of forensics.
Page 221
Text Says: The extraordinary trauma inflicted on the neck agreed very closely with accounts of Pizzaro's murder. The angle of some of wounds suggested that they were inflicted as the victim payed on the floor.
My Thoughts: The technologies that can be used in order to interpret and simulate the occurrence is actually impressive. 3D articulations can be collected and distributed in order to accumulate an abundance of evidence to be used in the court of law.
(Source: 24 N)
Author: Maples, William R. Ph.D and Michael Browning
Title: Dead Men Do Tell Tales the Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthropologist Pages: 223-237
Chapter: Arsenic and "Old Rough and Ready"
Source: New York Doublesday 1994
Page 225
Text Says: And I explained that arsenic and other metallic poisons are quickly deposited in the skeletal system and hair of poisoning victims, if they live for a few days after the initial intake of the poison.
My Thoughts: Contrary to popular belief, forensic Anthroplogist can still figure out the causeofdeatheven if toxins are used. These metals will remain in the hair and bones, even after death.
Page 227
Text Says: From a legal standpoint, dead human bodies are treated exactly the same as any other personal effects left behind by the deceased.
My Thoughts: this is a phenomenal message. It clearly implies that they are passed on with therest of the estate. You own the remains of your dead ancestors, by law!
Page 229
Text Says: in under rare circumstances are bodies allowed to be exhumed, taken from their grave, taken their freedom of resting in peace.
My Thoughts: I wonder how families as well as organizations take this. However, since this is done for forensic importance, murder is a new entire thing in which murder was going to be aimed to prove or disprove for historical purpose.
(Source: 24 O)
Author: Maples, William R. Ph.D and Michael Browning
Title: Dead Men Do Tell Tales the Strange and Fascinating Cases of a Forensic Anthroplogist
Pages: 238-268
Chapter: The Tsar of All the Russians
Source: New York Doublesday 1994
Page 239
Text Says: execution of Nichalas, the bloody crowned murderer, shot without bourgeois formalities, but in accordance with our new democratic principles.
My Thoughts: I have always disagreed with the act of executions, I would rather isolate those individuals to punish their social interactions as well as mental chemistry from simply giving them what they want: death.
Page 240
Text Says: For me, these remains are an fluctuation individual waiting for their cries to be interpreted through my observation of their remains.
My Thoughts: I find this to be a powerful way to disconnect oneself emotionally from a specimen that can truly "hit" someone knowing what they have been through.
Page 255
Text Says: Facts, before conclusions, please. Do not make any assumptions because they will be useless in court.
My Thoughts: Similar to any course, you need to backup your stance with support and evidence to make it both useful and effective through your conclusion. In other words, you can say anything you want, but if you want others to believe what you have to say you need something to be your aegis.
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