Thursday, March 29, 2012

Research Check 14

(Source: 26)
Title: POW/MIA Account Command Military Anthropology
Author: Lt. Stephen D. Tom
Source: POW/MIA
Pages: 1-4

L: Biological profile is a series of characteristics that an individual possessed during life, butwhichcritically can also be determined fromskeletonized remains after deaths.
I:  This is why legitimate non-copied pieces of X-rays have to be used when trying to find the past bone defects and injuries that an individual can have: they want to be able to match the set of remains with those of an individual know as John Done #XX.

L: No bias is allowed of the case in order to reduce an error within the analysis information based on demand from the media.
I: Having prior knowledge will also reduce the fact that scientists don't assume or come into narrow conclusions because they want to bring justice to this oh-so-famous individual for being a televised investigation.

L: Males have a tendency to bemisclassified when using metric characters and can be problematic for the larger more robust gracile markings of the male.
I: I believe this occurs mostly because of the fact that because of this variation in the expression of skeletal anthropomorphism by a certain population group that the biological sex factors is rather difficult to assess.

L: Diaphyseal growth model is an early development of an individual that follow a bone to cartilage based precursor at the center of the cranium discharge centers.
I: That makes perfect sense since the size gradually matures and is refined as the individual has a progression of the skeletal reconstruction. It is also an essential candidate to lead a forensic anthropologist into discovering the fact that it is of forensic importance.

(Source: 27)
Title: JPAC Anthropology
Author: Anthony Galloway
Source: Central Identification Laboratory
Pages: 1-9

L:  Surface crosion and delamintation of the outer cortex occurring on nearly all skeletal elements are considered to remains that are in fair to poor condition.
I:  I find it amazing how even if ember occurs to be in contact with bones that it would have the ability to preserve evidence and other skeletal details. But old aging Carbon required remains are unable to identified.

L:  Upon the utilization of the skeletal remains a skeletal inventory takes place in which a graph denotes the elements theatre present and show evidence of non-serrated elements.
I:  This innovative breakthrough method of ensuring a full context is overlooked clearly ad notes how scientists take the pieces of evidence to a depth analysis.

L:  As long as one piece of bone that is matched to a human individual will spark up an search for the rest of the remains. When this occurs, however, it is rather difficult and puzzle-emphasized analysis will take place.
I: This relates to my essential question so much! The fact that there is no minimum number of persons to be found suggests that a whole mass grave has to take place for federal jurisdiction.

L:  A type of trauma known as the perimortem trauma canbe identified through fracture angle, shape,edge color, and edge morphology.
I: The fact that you can allocate an individual causation of trauma through various factors suggests that scrapes or bone healing and repair will not be mistaken to a blow to the bone. This is rather convenient to the expertise of the scientists.

(Source: 28)
Title: An Analysis of Dorensic Anthropology Cases Submitted to the Smithsonian Institution by the Federal Bureau of Investigation from 1962 to 1994
Author: Gretchen A. Gisbaum
Source: United States Military
Pages: 1-5

L:Forensic anthropology has roots primarily in the anatomical science in the late 1930s.
I: The brink of such sciences allowed for this profession to primary contributors into the investigation? What is difficult to comprehend is understand what actually caused for this to be popular? Perhaps the large burial sites caused by the World War and it's uninterpretted "cries."

L: The scope of forensic anthropologist have become much greater than finding out identifier qualities.
I: The misconception of just working with the remains without the criminalist point of view is rather under acknowledge. Since anthropology is the study of human interactions it also encompasses on the reasoning or motive for e crime and the understand of the human relations course work throughout the investigation.

L: Skeletal remains allow for the establishment of micro evolution, cultural and biological relationships, anthropometric methods, paleodemography, and palcopathology.
I: I was unare of this contributing vector expertise of the remains, I also knew about the biological and chemical deviation that occurs in the remains, I didn't believe the scope was so wide in this particular indiviour.

L: The standardization process in which individuals whose skeleta remains are found are put into categories: children, outdoor recreationists, workers, and current/post-athletes.
I:  I love this organizational method of categorizing everything from what the clothes depict of the individual to the soil samples collected, items found, jewelry worn, and way it was found (face down/ right side up)

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